Case Puma Agribumper 1.0
Case Puma Agribumper is a tractor ballast system for Farming Simulator 25 with many customization options. You can choose weights from 400 to 1800 kg and customize the colors in the Case or Agribumper corporate style. You also have the option to change the color of the rims, interior and seats. Optional extras include a speed camera or beacon with rotating light.
Weight: 400 to 1800 lbs
Available colors: Case, Agribumper
Customizable colors for rims, seats and interior
Options: speed camera or rotating beacon
Credits: Finanzamt31er
Weight: 400 to 1800 lbs
Available colors: Case, Agribumper
Customizable colors for rims, seats and interior
Options: speed camera or rotating beacon
Credits: Finanzamt31er
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Версия: 1.0Обновленный: 1 месяц назад
Общий размер: 0 B
О моде
Последняя версия | 1.0 |
Игра | FS25 |
Категория | Транспортные Средства » Тракторы » Средний |
Загрузки | 0 |
Создано | 1 месяц назад |
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