Sales Plus v 1.0
This mod modifies the sales system. Discounts now depend on the age and working hours of the equipment.
Up to 100 pieces of equipment can now be on sale simultaneously, 50 generated and 50 from multiplayer sales.
The likelihood of a sale being generated or created from multiplayer sales has been increased.
Maintenance on vehicles in the sale has already been completed by the dealer, so no repairs are needed after purchase.
Repainting is still required.
The following commands have been added for admins:
– rgGenerateSale – Generates a random sale.
Up to 100 pieces of equipment can now be on sale simultaneously, 50 generated and 50 from multiplayer sales.
The likelihood of a sale being generated or created from multiplayer sales has been increased.
Maintenance on vehicles in the sale has already been completed by the dealer, so no repairs are needed after purchase.
Repainting is still required.
The following commands have been added for admins:
– rgGenerateSale – Generates a random sale.
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Версия: v 1.0Обновленный: 1 день назад
Общий размер: 89.83 KB FS25_Sales_Plus_fs25planet.zip direct скачать · 89.83 KB · добавлено 1 день назад
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