Herbicide Mixing v 1.0
This mod allows you to mix herbicide and fertilizer for simultaneous application.
– Add one ingredient to the sprayer itself.
– Place the other ingredient in an additional sprayer tank.
Both will be used at the same time.
Tips for Workers:
– Put the fertilizer in the main sprayer.
– Place the herbicide in the additional tank.
When mixing is active, a “Mixing” notification will appear next to the working width.
– Add one ingredient to the sprayer itself.
– Place the other ingredient in an additional sprayer tank.
Both will be used at the same time.
Tips for Workers:
– Put the fertilizer in the main sprayer.
– Place the herbicide in the additional tank.
When mixing is active, a “Mixing” notification will appear next to the working width.
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Версия: v 1.0Обновленный: 1 неделю назад
Общий размер: 140.49 KB FS25_HerbicideMixing_fs25planet.zip direct скачать · 140.49 KB · добавлено 1 неделю назад
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