Savegame Zielonka Multiplayer 1.0
This is the savegame from Oisterpropper's stream on the Zielonka map. Please note that the bale storage and pallet rack are not included, as they have been submitted to Modhub and are awaiting publication. A warm greeting from Wa1dler of the Landeiers!
The savegame was designed for multiplayer use, but with fewer vehicles, it can also be enjoyed in single-player mode.
Over 75 hours were invested in this "conversion." The farm, nearly all paths, and fields have been reworked and decorated for a more realistic feel.
This map represents my vision of a large agricultural operation in Poland or Russia.
Greetings from Wa1dler of the Landeiers!
This is the savegame from Oisterpropper's stream on the Zielonka map. Please note that the bale storage and pallet rack are not included, as they have been submitted to Modhub and are awaiting publication. A warm greeting from Wa1dler of the Landeiers!
The savegame was designed for multiplayer use, but with fewer vehicles, it can also be enjoyed in single-player mode.
Over 75 hours were invested in this "conversion." The farm, nearly all paths, and fields have been reworked and decorated for a more realistic feel.
This map represents my vision of a large agricultural operation in Poland or Russia.
Greetings from Wa1dler of the Landeiers!
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Версия: 1.0Обновленный: 2 месяца назад
Общий размер: 274.38 MB Offne_mich__Savegame_und_Mods_Zielonka_fs25planet.zip direct скачать · 274.38 MB · добавлено 2 месяца назад
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