Route network for the savegame MEGA-Farm NF-Marsch 4-fach v 1.1
The network is for the savegame MEGA-Farm for the NF-Marsch 4-fach
The basis for the route network is the network I installed for
The North Frisian Marsch 4-fach with ditches
In addition, the following was recorded for the MEGA-Farm save game:
All silos and purchasing silos on the farm
All productions on the farm grounds
105 parking spaces (divided into 4 folders depending on the hall size)
BGA and 3x bunker silo (separate folder for each silo)
Two cowsheds
Sheep barn Deich 161
Currently available productions
Have fun playing
The basis for the route network is the network I installed for
The North Frisian Marsch 4-fach with ditches
In addition, the following was recorded for the MEGA-Farm save game:
All silos and purchasing silos on the farm
All productions on the farm grounds
105 parking spaces (divided into 4 folders depending on the hall size)
BGA and 3x bunker silo (separate folder for each silo)
Two cowsheds
Sheep barn Deich 161
Currently available productions
Have fun playing
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Версия: v 1.1Обновленный: 1 день назад
Общий размер: 630.8 KB AutoDrive_MEGA-Farm_entpaken_fs25planet.zip direct скачать · 630.8 KB · добавлено 1 день назад
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