Hall Package - Placeable and Buildable 1.0
This hangar package offers a unique feature: you can build them in the “Construction Sites” category or place them in the “Placeable Hangars” category.
Key features:
Accelerated Construction: Modified objects for faster construction.
No construction fence: Hangar can be used even during construction.
Ideal for role-playing games (RP): Start with a base and walls, then complete the hangar as you accumulate funds.
Flexible use: You can use the hangar at different stages of construction and expand it over time.
Key features:
Accelerated Construction: Modified objects for faster construction.
No construction fence: Hangar can be used even during construction.
Ideal for role-playing games (RP): Start with a base and walls, then complete the hangar as you accumulate funds.
Flexible use: You can use the hangar at different stages of construction and expand it over time.
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Версия: 1.0Обновленный: 1 месяц назад
Общий размер: 14.32 MB Unzip_me_Hallenpack_baubar_fs25planet.zip direct скачать · 14.32 MB · добавлено 1 месяц назад
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