Workshop With Production v 1.0
[+] Construction costs 275,000 €
[+] Sycles per month 960 production for maintenance
[+] Cost 360 € production for maintenance per month
[+] Sycles 120 car wash per month
[+] Cost 52 € car wash per month
[+] Effect Nodes Water in the Waschstrasse
[+] GTX | Script placeableextedproductionpoint
[+] Recipes for maintenance: 0.3x Bread, 0.2x cheese | = 750x maintenance
[+] Recipes for car wash: 1000x water | = 950x Waste Water
[+] Stoarge Bread 8000, Cheese 6000, Maintenance 1000000, Water 100000, Waste Water 1000000
[+] Sycles per month 960 production for maintenance
[+] Cost 360 € production for maintenance per month
[+] Sycles 120 car wash per month
[+] Cost 52 € car wash per month
[+] Effect Nodes Water in the Waschstrasse
[+] GTX | Script placeableextedproductionpoint
[+] Recipes for maintenance: 0.3x Bread, 0.2x cheese | = 750x maintenance
[+] Recipes for car wash: 1000x water | = 950x Waste Water
[+] Stoarge Bread 8000, Cheese 6000, Maintenance 1000000, Water 100000, Waste Water 1000000
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Версия: v 1.0Обновленный: 20 часов назад
Общий размер: 226.66 MB FS25_WorkshopWithProduction_fs25planet.zip direct скачать · 226.66 MB · добавлено 20 часов назад
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