No Creek Farm House v 1.0
This home is fully functional with working triggers for sleeping and changing clothes. It has everything you need for comfortable living: a decorated bedroom, bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, garage (with color options for the toolbox), office and backyard. The home also has seasonal decorations - pumpkins in October and a Christmas tree and lights in December.
A cozy place to live on a farm in FS25 that will delight in style at any time of year!
A cozy place to live on a farm in FS25 that will delight in style at any time of year!
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Версия: v 1.0Обновленный: 1 месяц назад
Общий размер: 51.24 MB FS25_NoCreekFarmhouse_fs25planet.zip direct скачать · 51.24 MB · добавлено 1 месяц назад
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