Fast and Super Charging Station 1.0
The Fast and Supercharging Station for FS25 is a useful addition for those who run their machinery on electricity. These stations allow you to quickly replenish your batteries, reducing machine downtime and keeping your farm running smoothly. A great option for modern farms where every minute counts.
Instant recharging of electrical equipment
Faster battery recovery
Suitable for all electric machines
Optimized for farming
Credits: paraqles
Instant recharging of electrical equipment
Faster battery recovery
Suitable for all electric machines
Optimized for farming
Credits: paraqles
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Версия: 1.0Обновленный: 1 месяц назад
Общий размер: 967.9 KB FS25_PQ_ChargingStations_fs25planet.zip direct скачать · 967.9 KB · добавлено 1 месяц назад
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