Wood Chip Silo Extension
211.93 KB
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4 месяца назад
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4 месяца назад Updated Discription
This mod expands the functionality of your silos by allowing you to store woodchips in all of them! From small farm silos to large central storage units, this mod optimizes your storage capacity and makes managing woodchips easier.
- Universal Compatibility: Works with all standard silos & modded silos in the game, ensuring seamless integration.
- Effortless Use: No extra configuration required — just install and use.
- Ideal for Forestry Operations: Perfect for players focused on forestry and looking to manage their resources more efficiently.
Unlock the full potential of your silos! No more restrictions — your silos can now handle all the woodchips you need!
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Версия:Обновленный: 4 месяца назад
Общий размер: 211.93 KB
FS25_WoodChipSiloExtension 2_fs25planet.zip
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· 211.93 KB
· добавлено 4 месяца назад
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О моде
Последняя версия | |
Игра | FS25 |
Категория | Объекты » Хозяйственные Постройки |
Загрузки | 2390 |
Создано | 4 месяца назад |
Последнее обновление | 4 месяца назад |
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The mod does not work on my side, I tried with both existing and new games, it says wood chip not accepted here. Is there a special silo in particular, maybe? I saw some video on YT where they are loading woodchip from a silo, but I cant remember which silo it was. I tried with the cheapest one that cost 20k or something.
The mod does not work on my side, I tried with both existing and new games, it says wood chip not accepted here. Is there a special silo in particular, maybe? I saw some video on YT where they are loading woodchip from a silo, but I cant remember which silo it was. I tried with the cheapest one that cost 20k or something.
Unfortunately it does not seem to be working even with the new patch that came out. I had to rename the .zip to even get it to show up in my in game mods list, and I tried a few silos but was met with the "Does not accept wood chips" notice.
Unfortunately it does not seem to be working even with the new patch that came out. I had to rename the .zip to even get it to show up in my in game mods list, and I tried a few silos but was met with the "Does not accept wood chips" notice.
Мне пришлось переименовать мод, чтобы он отображался при запуске игры. Однако я не могу заставить его работать на существующем или новом сохранении. Silo просто показывает "не принято здесь", когда вы пытаетесь выгрузить.
I had to rename the mod for it to be seen when starting the game. However I cannot get it to work on an existing save or a new save. Silo just shows "not accepted here" when you dry to unload.
не работает, к сожалению
doesnt work sadly
The mod shows up in my downloaded content tab, but it does not show up when selecting the mods I want for my save file
The mod shows up in my downloaded content tab, but it does not show up when selecting the mods I want for my save file
не работает в мультиплеере :(
not working on multiplayer :(
Должно работать и в MP, по крайней мере, в нашем тестировании это работало, но LS25 в этом плане сейчас глючит. Мне даже приходится иногда разгружать своего друга, потому что сервер не дает ему разгрузиться. Но технически это работает. Возможно, нам нужно дождаться MP-патча от LS25. В настоящее время я не в состоянии исправить это, мне очень жаль :(
Should work on MP too, atleast in our Testing it worked, but LS25 is currently buggy in that point. I even need to unload sometimes for my Friend becaus the sever wont let him unload. But technikaly it works. Maybe we need to wait for an MP Patch from LS25. Currently not in my hand to fix it, im very sorry :(
Привет. Мод не работает в моем FS25. Он есть в папке "Установить", но я не могу добавить его в сохраненную или новую игру. Что я делаю не так?
Hi. The mod doesn't work in my FS25. It is in the installed folder but I can't add it to a saved or a new game. What I'm doing wrong?
Вы можете использовать его в сохранении, вам не нужно делать новый мир, просто вставьте его, выберите/активируйте его на экране загрузки и все в порядке :)
You can use it in a save, you dont need to do a new World, just put it in, select/Activate it in the loading Screen and ur fine :)
Привет, вам просто нужно закинуть папку в: C:\Users\(имя пользователя)\Dokumente\My Games\FarmingSimulator2025\mods Если вы не найдете ее там, возможно, у вас есть OneDrive, тогда она находится в: C:\Users\(имя пользователя)\OneDrive\Dokumente\My Games\FarmingSimulator2025\mods Просто перетащите ZIP туда :)
Hi, you simply need to drop the Folder in: C:\Users\(username)\Dokumente\My Games\FarmingSimulator2025\mods If you dont find it there you might got OneDrive then its in: C:\Users\(username)\OneDrive\Dokumente\My Games\FarmingSimulator2025\mods Just Drag and Drop the ZIP in there :)