Matrix Teleporter
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Matrix Teleporter is a cool phone booth for Farming Simulator 25 that allows you to teleport anywhere on the map, including places where there are no appearance points. The cost is only $25. You can find it in the build menu under Squigglze Decorations - Squigglze Decorations. The Squigglze Store Extension mod is required to work.
Price: $25
Placement: Build Menu > Decorations > Squigglze Decorations
Required mod: Squigglze Store Extension
Credits: Squigglze
Price: $25
Placement: Build Menu > Decorations > Squigglze Decorations
Required mod: Squigglze Store Extension
Credits: Squigglze
Скачать файлы последней версии
Версия:Обновленный: 1 месяц назад
Общий размер: 961.58 KB FS25_ASM_MatrixTeleporter_V1_1_fs25planet.zip direct скачать · 961.58 KB · добавлено 1 месяц назад
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