Lukah’s Island v 1.0
Hi all,
* Palm Tree nuesery so you can make saplings that will grow into Palm trees.
* Start up Harvester has different capacities and goes a little qicker along with headers.
* Custom npc’s on map
* Raise land out of water and start extending your island.
* Is det up for all FS22 fwatures however I would suggest turning off srasons, being tropical Island.
* Hope you enjoy playing the map.
* Palm Tree nuesery so you can make saplings that will grow into Palm trees.
* Start up Harvester has different capacities and goes a little qicker along with headers.
* Custom npc’s on map
* Raise land out of water and start extending your island.
* Is det up for all FS22 fwatures however I would suggest turning off srasons, being tropical Island.
* Hope you enjoy playing the map.
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Версия: v 1.0Обновленный: 10 часов назад
Общий размер: 57.76 MB FS25_Lukahs_Island_fs25planet.zip direct скачать · 57.76 MB · добавлено 10 часов назад
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