FS25 Juotca Flat Map 2X

FS25 Juotca Flat Map 2X 1.1

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последние Версия 1.1 · FS25 Juotca Flat Map 2X 1 месяц назад
FS25 Juotca Flat Map 2X V1.1 – Changelog
1. New Crops: Rye, millet, hemp, linseed, alfalfa, mustard, and hops.
2. New Factories: Brewery, slaughterhouse (integrated with animal breeding), animal breeding facility, distillery, refinery, juice plant, plus all base game production points.
3. New Pallets:
-13 types of juice pallets at the juice plant.
-5 different fruit orchard pallets.
-6 wine pallet types at the distillery.
-5 beer pallet types at the brewery.
-6 meat varieties at the slaughterhouse.
-5 new oil pallets at the oil mill.
-Additional pallets at the bakery, dairy, and more.
4. Traffic: Now enabled on both tarmac and non-tarmac roads.
5. New Features:
-A forest area.
-An apiary for bees within the forest.
-Pre-installed animal barns at the farmyard (must buy the farmland to own).
-Three gas stations.
-A rice field.
6. Terrain Enhancements:
-Increased height variation (0 to 10), allowing terrain modification.
7. Other Improvements: Many additional updates and refinements for a better farming experience!
Happy farming in Juotca 2X Map and my other flat maps!
Subscribe to my YouTube channel to support my work!
Map Author: Juotca
Placeables: FED mod, sablerRock, lackDragon23 Jinkou89, TheSnake, ChrisS and RileyS, 
kobalt, Jinkou89, Maro, ZoddelZockt, Nuggzy, DraxMods, OmaTana,IKAS FanModding,
crookedcreekmodding, asylummodding, SBModding, Stevie,Snakebizzle, Gusta, Barbicha, 
Studio Ascolese Game, OmaTana,LJR Modding, PBSMods, BulletBill, Zoli708,. Maxxer1050


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Версия: 1.1
Обновленный: 1 месяц назад
Общий размер: 0 B
https://modsfire.com/nfn8nZ7f0469wHU external скачать · добавлено 1 месяц назад

О моде

Последняя версия 1.1
Игра FS25
Категория Карты
Загрузки 1033
Создано 2 месяца назад
Последнее обновление 1 месяц назад

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