Последнее обновление
2 месяца назад
Welcome to the Lossberg map created by VertexDezign for FS17 and converted by me for FS25.
The map includes:
2 farms plus a farm with cows, sheep, and pigs;
64 fields;
3 selling points;
3 production points, including a Biogas Plant;
6 forests.
The map does not include any starting machinery. The starting farm is located in the town. I recommend playing without a starting farm and purchasing one yourself.
Enjoy the game.
Please report any bugs in the comments.
Fixed not showing buildings
Fixed frost on side roads
Added machines at the start
Added painting with plants
Counted and adjusted the prices of farmlands with buildings
Replaced fermenters on BGA
Fixed tip collisions in buildings, now you can tip inside the buildings
Added goat milk to selling points
Painted grass in areas where it was missing (a new save is required for it to be visible)
Added new textures for manure and slurry
The map includes:
2 farms plus a farm with cows, sheep, and pigs;
64 fields;
3 selling points;
3 production points, including a Biogas Plant;
6 forests.
The map does not include any starting machinery. The starting farm is located in the town. I recommend playing without a starting farm and purchasing one yourself.
Enjoy the game.
Please report any bugs in the comments.
Fixed not showing buildings
Fixed frost on side roads
Added machines at the start
Added painting with plants
Counted and adjusted the prices of farmlands with buildings
Replaced fermenters on BGA
Fixed tip collisions in buildings, now you can tip inside the buildings
Added goat milk to selling points
Painted grass in areas where it was missing (a new save is required for it to be visible)
Added new textures for manure and slurry
Welcome to the Lossberg map created by VertexDezign for FS17 and converted by me for FS25.
The map includes:
2 farms plus a farm with cows, sheep, and pigs;
64 fields;
3 selling points;
3 production points, including a Biogas Plant;
6 forests.
The map does not include any starting machinery. The starting farm is located in the town. I recommend playing without a starting farm and purchasing one yourself.
Enjoy the game.
Please report any bugs in the comments.
Fixed not showing buildings
The map includes:
2 farms plus a farm with cows, sheep, and pigs;
64 fields;
3 selling points;
3 production points, including a Biogas Plant;
6 forests.
The map does not include any starting machinery. The starting farm is located in the town. I recommend playing without a starting farm and purchasing one yourself.
Enjoy the game.
Please report any bugs in the comments.
Fixed not showing buildings
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Версия:Обновленный: 2 месяца назад
Общий размер: 0 B FS25_Lossberg.zip external скачать · добавлено 2 месяца назад
О моде
Последняя версия | |
Игра | FS25 |
Категория | Карты » Европейский |
Загрузки | 1337 |
Создано | 2 месяца назад |
Последнее обновление | 2 месяца назад |
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