Krampe Bandit 750 TerraTrac WobbyTec 1.0
Krampe Bandit 750 TerraTrac WobbyTec is a mod for Farming Simulator 25 that adds a modernized trailer with different volume options and improved running gear. Great for transporting large loads of crops, the animated conveyor belt makes the unloading process more realistic.
What the mod adds:
Different capacity options: 25,900, 28,000 (standard), 36,000, 39,400, and extended 85,000 and 100,000 liters.
Animated conveyor with running sound.
TerraTrac track drive and its TerraTrac “Cross” variation.
Mouse-controlled chip lid that can be opened/closed.
Customizable hull, disc and track colors.
Padded awning for 39,400 liter version.
Fill level display on both sides.
Compatible with the fill limit available in the game.
Credits: Wobby_
What the mod adds:
Different capacity options: 25,900, 28,000 (standard), 36,000, 39,400, and extended 85,000 and 100,000 liters.
Animated conveyor with running sound.
TerraTrac track drive and its TerraTrac “Cross” variation.
Mouse-controlled chip lid that can be opened/closed.
Customizable hull, disc and track colors.
Padded awning for 39,400 liter version.
Fill level display on both sides.
Compatible with the fill limit available in the game.
Credits: Wobby_
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Версия: 1.0Обновленный: 1 месяц назад
Общий размер: 35.17 MB FS25_KrampeBandit_750TerraTrac_fs25planet.zip direct скачать · 35.17 MB · добавлено 1 месяц назад
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