Eggs Box 360 4.2
Eggs Box 360 is a modified version of the small chicken pasture for Farming Simulator 25, where changes have been made to fit larger pastures. This solution will be useful for those who face problems in placing chicken fences.
Price: $50,000 (same cost as a coop of this size).
Base capacity: 360 chickens (cannot be changed in the game).
Inputs: Wheat, barley, and sorghum.
Food capacity: 15,000 liters.
Mr Sticky420
Price: $50,000 (same cost as a coop of this size).
Base capacity: 360 chickens (cannot be changed in the game).
Inputs: Wheat, barley, and sorghum.
Food capacity: 15,000 liters.
Mr Sticky420
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Версия: 4.2Обновленный: 1 месяц назад
Общий размер: 2.43 KB FS25_EggsBox360_fs25planet.zip direct скачать · 2.43 KB · добавлено 1 месяц назад
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