Coulter Rail and Bar 1.0
This mod adds a dual-configuration coulter and bar to your equipment that mounts to the front hydraulics of your tractor. This enhancement is designed to improve performance in a variety of agricultural tasks such as tillage and field preparation. With the ability to be mounted on the front hydraulics of your tractor, the mod allows you to easily customize your equipment for different tasks.
Two configurations: Coulter Rail and Bar.
Versatile use for tillage.
Easy to install on the front hydraulics.
Price: $200, making it affordable to improve your equipment.
Poly Paul
Two configurations: Coulter Rail and Bar.
Versatile use for tillage.
Easy to install on the front hydraulics.
Price: $200, making it affordable to improve your equipment.
Poly Paul
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Версия: 1.0Обновленный: 1 месяц назад
Общий размер: 2.43 MB FS25_CoulterRailBarPackage_fs25planet.zip direct скачать · 2.43 MB · добавлено 1 месяц назад https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?mod_id=306776&title=fs2025&lang=en external скачать · добавлено 1 месяц назад
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