Broom v 1.0
Price: 20$
Capacity: unlimited
Using this broom you can easily and cheaply get rid of the unwanted straw from the field, leftover fodder in the barn and all the other loose materials which are available in the game. (Try not to make sudden and quick moves of the mouse with the broom as it may fall out of your hands).
Capacity: unlimited
Using this broom you can easily and cheaply get rid of the unwanted straw from the field, leftover fodder in the barn and all the other loose materials which are available in the game. (Try not to make sudden and quick moves of the mouse with the broom as it may fall out of your hands).
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Версия: v 1.0Обновленный: 1 неделю назад
Общий размер: 159.28 KB FS25_broom_fs25planet.zip direct скачать · 159.28 KB · добавлено 1 неделю назад
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