Bizon Z020 ZAGON v 1.0
Hello everyone. Today I have to present to you a bison Z020 to fs25 conversion from fs22.
The mod includes:
*Most animations work (some are missing because they are not)
*Adjustable hitch
*Adjustable splitter (you can adjust it to your machine)
*Working sounds
What does not work:
*Some animations as I said above
*Changing colors
I hope you like this upgrade!
fs25 Pablo fs22 Agrowariat & Kryspin_15
The mod includes:
*Most animations work (some are missing because they are not)
*Adjustable hitch
*Adjustable splitter (you can adjust it to your machine)
*Working sounds
What does not work:
*Some animations as I said above
*Changing colors
I hope you like this upgrade!
fs25 Pablo fs22 Agrowariat & Kryspin_15
Скачать файлы последней версии
Версия: v 1.0Обновленный: 8 часов назад
Общий размер: 28.19 MB fs25_zagon_wypakuj_fs25planet.zip direct скачать · 28.19 MB · добавлено 8 часов назад
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