Additional Field Info
Additional Field Info is a mod for Farming Simulator 25 that extends the functionality of the Field Info panel and provides additional data that will help to better control the processes of cultivation, sowing and harvesting in the fields.
Displays the area of each field in the current plot.
Displays the price per hectare (or acre) for farmland you don't own.
Potential crop and yield information for fields ready for harvest.
Improved accuracy of potential yield and yield display.
Added translations into Czech, Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese.
Credits: yumi
Displays the area of each field in the current plot.
Displays the price per hectare (or acre) for farmland you don't own.
Potential crop and yield information for fields ready for harvest.
Improved accuracy of potential yield and yield display.
Added translations into Czech, Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese.
Credits: yumi
Скачать файлы последней версии
Версия:Обновленный: 1 месяц назад
Общий размер: 87.18 KB FS25_additionalFieldInfo_fs25planet.zip direct скачать · 87.18 KB · добавлено 1 месяц назад
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