Oberschwaben Beta Savegame 1.0
This save adds an updated field layout, providing improved functionality and usability. The farms remain unchanged as they are already perfectly designed, but the fields have been redesigned for smoother and more logical use.
Main changes:
Consolidation of fields for ease of work
New paths between fields Added new paths between
fieldsWind turbines now decorate the landscape
All fields are plowed and ready for sowing
Decorative elements moved from the center of the fields for more convenience
Main changes:
Consolidation of fields for ease of work
New paths between fields Added new paths between
fieldsWind turbines now decorate the landscape
All fields are plowed and ready for sowing
Decorative elements moved from the center of the fields for more convenience
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Versione: 1.0Aggiornato: 1 mese fa
Dimensione totale: 10.58 MB zipsavegame4_backup2025-01-13_09-51_fs25planet.zip direct scaricare · 10.58 MB · aggiunto 1 mese fa
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