Real Life Numbers
Real Life Numbers adds elements of realism by allowing you to fine-tune many game parameters via XML files in the modSettings folder.
Main features:
Customization parameters:
Fruit, fill types, items in the store.
Realistic prices for grain, fertilizer, seeds and other items.
Adjusting crops and seed consumption to the conditions of the map region.
Land rent:
Ability to set a list of farms with rental prices.
Customized settings for saves:
Use different XML sets for different game worlds.
Updates and additions:
RealNumbersStorePrices.lua: update for FS25-1.3 structure.
RealNumbersContractRewards.lua: change rewards for contract fulfillment.
RealNumbersCropGrowth.lua: customize crop growth calendar (disabled by default to prevent crop loss).
RealNumbersLoans.lua: customize credit limits and interest rates.
RealNumbersSprayTypes.lua: adjust chemical application rates.
Usage Guidelines:
Select the game difficulty “Hard” for a fully immersive, realistic experience.
Disable unnecessary scripts by commenting them out in the modDesc file.
Main features:
Customization parameters:
Fruit, fill types, items in the store.
Realistic prices for grain, fertilizer, seeds and other items.
Adjusting crops and seed consumption to the conditions of the map region.
Land rent:
Ability to set a list of farms with rental prices.
Customized settings for saves:
Use different XML sets for different game worlds.
Updates and additions:
RealNumbersStorePrices.lua: update for FS25-1.3 structure.
RealNumbersContractRewards.lua: change rewards for contract fulfillment.
RealNumbersCropGrowth.lua: customize crop growth calendar (disabled by default to prevent crop loss).
RealNumbersLoans.lua: customize credit limits and interest rates.
RealNumbersSprayTypes.lua: adjust chemical application rates.
Usage Guidelines:
Select the game difficulty “Hard” for a fully immersive, realistic experience.
Disable unnecessary scripts by commenting them out in the modDesc file.
Download Latest Version Files
Version: 3 months ago
Total Size: 138.64 MB FS25_RealLifeNumbers_V1001_UnzipMe_fs25planet.zip direct download · 138.64 MB · added 3 months ago
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