Extended Greenhouse
Feel like the base game greenhouses are a little Too basic. This greenhouse allows for bulk loading as well as it requires more supplies to grow your produce. Fertalizer, Herbacide, seeds and water are all required to make things grow. Each produce uses different amounts of supplies depending what it is and there is plenty of room for storage so you do not need to rush to empty the hold all the time. This version is a slow grower like the base game greenhouses. Unlike in FS22 where this made an excess amount that was hard to get rid of quick enough. We have also added all the new produce that has been added to the game and updated the previously used products with the new models. If you don't want to make Olive and Grape fields, grow them in a greenhouse instead!! We have also adjusted the size of the greenhouse so that the plants do not stick out the sides anymore. Happy farming!!
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Najnowsza wersja | |
Gra | FS25 |
Kategoria | Przedmioty |
Pliki do pobrania | 226 |
Utworzony | 1 miesiąc temu |
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bardzo niewygodne napełnianie wodą itp. prawie żadna z przyczep nie działa. Próbowałem tylko z wodą i poddałem się, tylko najmniejsza przyczepa wodna działała z pojemnością 2000 litrów wody. Wszystkie inne niestety nie uruchomiły funkcji rozładunku.
really inconvenient to fill up with water etc. nearly none of the trailers works. tried only with water and gave up, only the smalles water trailer worked with 2000 ltr of water capacity. All others did not trigger the unloading function unfortunately.