Netherlands License Plates
Ten mod dodaje autentyczne holenderskie tablice rejestracyjne do Farming Simulator 25, których można używać na dowolnej mapie. Mod zawiera tablice rejestracyjne z różnych lat, od 1951 do czasów współczesnych.
Co dodaje mod:
1951-1965 Czarna podstawa (pojedyncza i podwójna linia)
Tablice rejestracyjne z różnymi podstawami i formatami dla różnych okresów:
2016-2020 Euro-Stars and Yellow Base (single line and double line)
2016-present Euro-Stars and Yellow Base (one-line and two-line)
2021-present Euro-Stars and Yellow Base (single and double lines)
2015-present Euro-Stars and Yellow Base (single and double lines)
2011-present Euro-Stars and Yellow Base (single and double lines)
2006-present Euro-Stars and Yellow Base (single and double lines)
1991-1999 Yellow Base (single and double lines)
1978-1991 Yellow Base (single and double lines)
1999-2008 Euro-Stars and Yellow Base (single and double lines)
1973-1978 Black Base (single and double lines)
1965-1973 Black Base (single and double lines)
New Version 1988-present (AB 12 CDs)
Average Enjoyer
Co dodaje mod:
1951-1965 Czarna podstawa (pojedyncza i podwójna linia)
Tablice rejestracyjne z różnymi podstawami i formatami dla różnych okresów:
2016-2020 Euro-Stars and Yellow Base (single line and double line)
2016-present Euro-Stars and Yellow Base (one-line and two-line)
2021-present Euro-Stars and Yellow Base (single and double lines)
2015-present Euro-Stars and Yellow Base (single and double lines)
2011-present Euro-Stars and Yellow Base (single and double lines)
2006-present Euro-Stars and Yellow Base (single and double lines)
1991-1999 Yellow Base (single and double lines)
1978-1991 Yellow Base (single and double lines)
1999-2008 Euro-Stars and Yellow Base (single and double lines)
1973-1978 Black Base (single and double lines)
1965-1973 Black Base (single and double lines)
New Version 1988-present (AB 12 CDs)
Average Enjoyer
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