Bulk Fill 1.0
Improve your farming experience with the Bulk Fill mod! This feature allows any refillable tools such as planters, sprayers or trailers to fill continuously from multiple pallets or large bags with a single fill command if there is an appropriate fill source nearby.
Automatic lid opening for tools such as planters with fertilizer tanks.
Continuous filling from multiple pallets or large bags.
Enable/disable the Bulk Fill feature with the “Insert” key for loading from a single pallet.
Individual status settings for each instrument are saved when the game is saved.
Display of fill level and order of available fill sources.
Option to select the first source to start filling.
Automatic lid opening for tools such as planters with fertilizer tanks.
Continuous filling from multiple pallets or large bags.
Enable/disable the Bulk Fill feature with the “Insert” key for loading from a single pallet.
Individual status settings for each instrument are saved when the game is saved.
Display of fill level and order of available fill sources.
Option to select the first source to start filling.
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Wersja: 1.0Aktualizacja: 6 dni temu
Wielkość całkowita: 82.83 KB FS25_BulkFill__1__fs25planet.zip direct pobierz · 82.83 KB · dodano 6 dni temu
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