New NPCs in FS25: A Detailed Overview
Grab a cup of tea or coffee because today we’ll discuss some fascinating innovations awaiting us in the upcoming Farming Simulator 25. The developers have revealed some incredibly intriguing details about the game, and these details are indeed captivating.
As we remember, in previous versions of our beloved simulator, such opportunities did not exist, and any NPCs, like pedestrians, were just decorations, simple animations that filled the world to create the illusion of liveliness. In FS25, everything will change, and non-player characters will become more lively and realistic. They will be able to interact with the player and the surrounding world.
We believe this is a wonderful update that could bring the game to life. Although Farming Simulator already has an incredibly engaging gameplay, it still feels too empty and "plastic" in certain aspects. The introduction of new characters to the world will drastically change the situation for the better.
Therefore, we have a solid reason to discuss this topic in more detail. What can we expect from NPCs in FS25? Let’s find out together.
Meet Grandpa Walter

The first NPC in our review is a character named Walter. He is a kind-hearted elderly man who lives on a farm. Approaching him, you can listen to interesting stories and even ask for advice on farming. He has significant experience in the field and can guide you on how to run your farming business successfully.
Walter’s son moved to the city to build his own business. He also had a brother who was engaged in beet farming but went bankrupt and also left to try his luck in the big city. Walter will share these details if you inquire about his personal life. This NPC is very friendly and sociable, so you can always chat with him about something interesting.
What to Expect from Grandpa Walter:
Walter has a whole chest of interesting and unusual stories that he can share. These are tales about his family and his past life. He is an elderly man with a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others. So, don’t hesitate to ask him questions.
This non-player character also has pleasant facial expressions and gestures during conversations, making him appear much more realistic.
He is also a farming expert. So, if you are an inexperienced farmer struggling to succeed in this tough business, feel free to approach Walter. He’ll gladly offer you advice. He also has a lot of interesting and unique quotes prepared.
That’s all we know about this character for now. We’ll wait for more official information from Giants Software. In the meantime, let’s continue our discussion!
David – Your New Neighbor Farmer in FS25

We’ve already met one NPC that Giants Software plans to add to Farming Simulator 25. But that’s not all. Next up is another chatty character named David. Let’s get to know him better and learn his brief story.
Like you, David is a farmer. He grew tired of the city hustle and bustle and decided to move to the countryside. Here, he bought some land and a small farm and became a farmer.
You can understand that in rural areas, it’s rare to meet people. So, David, like the previous character, loves to socialize. He is a kind and bright person who enjoys what he does. Therefore, he can also be helpful in difficult situations when you’re stuck and in need of outside help and support.
What to Expect from David:
David is very sincere and will gladly share his innermost thoughts. In particular, he might tell you about his unsuccessful attempts at growing crops. For instance, he has a story about flooding his garden while trying to grow rice. He tends to embellish his stories with humor and subtle jokes about his "success."
David loves to encourage others, even if his advice sounds absurd. "If the cow doesn’t give milk, it’s not the end of the world—you can always buy a milkshake in the city!"—that’s his comfort for disappointed farmers. If you need emotional support, always turn to David. He loves helping and encouraging people. This significantly boosts morale and motivation, which will positively affect your work.
Although his advice sometimes seems absurd, David adds some humor and life to the game. Let’s hope his stories will not only be funny but also genuinely helpful.
David is quite an eccentric character who constantly feels like everything around him is not real but just a simulation. You can often hear absurdity in his speech, and some of his advice will be completely useless. Nevertheless, he knows how to cheer you up and boost your morale.
New NPC Features in FS25: What Will Change?
Now, we will not only be able to operate machinery and take care of crops and animals but also interact with virtual characters, each with their own story and personality.
Although only a few NPCs have been announced for the game so far, it’s unlikely that the developers will stop there, and there is a high probability that at least a few more non-player characters with their own stories await us.
It’s also quite possible that we’ll be able to do more than just talk to these characters and ask for advice. Could the developers be preparing something more interesting for us? For example, new mechanics and tasks related to them? That would be awesome. But since there isn’t enough information on this yet, such speculations remain mere assumptions. So, let’s stick to what is known at the moment.
Grandpa Walter and David Will Live at RiverBend Springs
On the starting farm at RiverBend Springs, one of the maps in Farming Simulator 25, players will meet Grandpa Walter, who will become their guide to the world of farming.
The location will include traditional agricultural buildings as well as special areas for interacting with characters. Players can approach Grandpa Walter to start a dialogue, learn interesting details about his family, the farm's history, and get valuable advice.
Map Elements Related to NPCs:
An old barn where inventory and equipment are stored. You can meet Walter there, as he often spends time in that place.
A small pasture for cows located next to the house. Players can get recommendations from Walter on cattle care.
Rest areas where characters will share their stories, such as around a campfire or on the porch.
Possible Localization Challenges
The question of localizing the new NPC system remains open. It’s unclear whether the characters’ lines will be translated into different languages or if players will have to settle for the original English version.
A possible option is text subtitles in various languages, as a full voice-over translation may take more time. In any case, unofficial fan-made voice-overs will likely appear over time.
It seems that the folks at Giants are truly starting to listen to the gaming community. Because much of what has already been presented are long-held dreams of many fans. If this is the case, then it’s a very correct approach that will bring even more popularity to the game.
Well, that’s all for now. Thank you very much for your attention. We say goodbye for now. Follow the community to stay updated on everything happening in and around virtual farming.