AutoDrive Zielonka 2.0
This is the AutoDrive route network for the map “Zielonka”, designed to simplify moving around the map taking into account all roads, field tracks, intersections and rules of passage.
The network has been thoroughly tested with various vehicles, but minor adjustments may be necessary.
The route network is based on the AutoDrive course from FS22 with additions such as the liming station, cement plant and BGA (biogas plant).
The network includes routes for all 3 farms, silage pits, chicken coops, production facilities, buying and selling points, fields with pick-up lines, car dealers, gas stations and water supply.
Key features:
Designed with all needs in mind for fast travel.
All routes are preset for convenience.
Transparent abbreviations for target points (e.g. Anl. = delivery, Ent. = pickup).
Optimization, testing and fixes took over 80 hours, including tweaks and retesting.
The network has been thoroughly tested with various vehicles, but minor adjustments may be necessary.
The route network is based on the AutoDrive course from FS22 with additions such as the liming station, cement plant and BGA (biogas plant).
The network includes routes for all 3 farms, silage pits, chicken coops, production facilities, buying and selling points, fields with pick-up lines, car dealers, gas stations and water supply.
Key features:
Designed with all needs in mind for fast travel.
All routes are preset for convenience.
Transparent abbreviations for target points (e.g. Anl. = delivery, Ent. = pickup).
Optimization, testing and fixes took over 80 hours, including tweaks and retesting.
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Version: 2.0Updated: 23 hours ago
Total Size: 236.44 KB direct download · 236.44 KB · added 23 hours ago
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