Universal Tuz v 1.0
Here’s a modest conversion of the universal Tuz from FS19. I don’t remember if it has any errors in the log because I made it a long time ago, and I’m too lazy to check.
It’s fully playable.
It attaches via a hitch, just like trailers.
Its downside: You can’t change its colors.
fs25 pablo fs19 EY Modding
It’s fully playable.
It attaches via a hitch, just like trailers.
Its downside: You can’t change its colors.
fs25 pablo fs19 EY Modding
Télécharger les fichiers de la dernière version
Version: v 1.0Mise à jour de: il y a 1 mois
Taille totale: 1.04 MB tuz_fs25_fs25planet.zip direct télécharger · 1.04 MB · ajouté il y a 1 mois
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