Tool Inclination Helper v 1.0
This mod displays whether or not your forks (or other implements) are level (= horizontal orientation) or not.
Additionally, it displays the distance of the tool to the ground or to whatever is below it (bales, pallets, trailer, …).
You can choose between icons or degrees in the settings, you can turn on or off color coding if set to “degrees”, and you can move the display around, if needed.
The mod works for at least any base game front loader tool, wheel loader tool, telehandler tool, skid steer tool and forklift.
Note that the “level” orientation depends on how the tool was designed.
Farmsim Tim (timmeey86)
Additionally, it displays the distance of the tool to the ground or to whatever is below it (bales, pallets, trailer, …).
You can choose between icons or degrees in the settings, you can turn on or off color coding if set to “degrees”, and you can move the display around, if needed.
The mod works for at least any base game front loader tool, wheel loader tool, telehandler tool, skid steer tool and forklift.
Note that the “level” orientation depends on how the tool was designed.
Farmsim Tim (timmeey86)
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Version: v 1.0Mise à jour de: il y a 7 heures
Taille totale: 98.72 KB FS25_ToolInclinationHelper_fs25planet.zip direct télécharger · 98.72 KB · ajouté il y a 7 heures
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