Beulahland Farms 4km V Beta
Welcome to Coastal NC, the place I grew up farming, fishing and, logging for a living. Beulahland farms is located in Hyde Co the largest and least populated county in NC. Everyone here has ties to farming, fishing, and logging. Like most, our farm grew corn, wheat, soybeans, and cotton and was run for well over 180 yrs and grew to 2500 acres before selling out in the early 2000s after one too many hurricanes and lost crops. Moving on from the family farm I followed other family members into the fishing and boat building industries on the Outer Banks which is just across the Pamlico Sound…
With all that said, I’ve wanted to make a FS map of the area for years but had no idea how. When the editor dropped in November I had to learn as much as I could and at least build something playable for myself and son. the map covers 100sqKM and scaled down to 16sqKM to make it accurate but very playable… 3 months and 500 hours later, I’m pretty happy with the results although only 90% done and plenty of mistakes, I’m releasing it as a beta to allow folks to test and get ideas on how to make it better.
Map was built with the idea of making it as accurate to the area as possible(i am constantly getting Deja vu driving through the map, working the fields or looking across the landscape.), and also make it a very playable 4km map and have the freedom to do what ever floats your boat. The map is split into 3 parts mixed throughout the map. equal parts farming, logging and if all goes well in the distant future fishing! 100s of acres of undeveloped land to build whatever you wish.
My intentions are to release this on Giants Mod Hub eventually, but spring and real life obligations are coming fast and finding time to get it finished and up to Giants standards is going to be tough. So here it is as an early release version. i plan to release patches as needed and a major update later this summer. enjoy as single player or come find us on our dedicated server.
-still lots to do to get the map to my standards but fully playable with 0 errors
– 5 fully functional farms
– multiple sell points, gas stations, shop and animal dealer
– 72 fields from 2 to 45 acres for all size farms
– 12 floodable “duck impoundments” for rice, corn, and sorghum
– 29000 trees 30000 max trees…several 1000 acres of pine plantations and hardwoods to get deep into logging
– lots of water to keep it 100 percent accurate and hopefully fish as a new crop type and commercial fishing as a new way of making money
– no large scale animal husbandries or productions are found here irl. so for accuracy sake I did not add any to the map, but plenty of room to create whatever you like all buildings on all farms are sellable for a completely custom farm to suit your needs
– as of now several mods are needed for farm sheds and buildings. All error free and available on the official mod hub. No vehicle or implement mods are needed
-added a temporary shelter pack with all the mods necessary…
-unzip shelter pack and move individual zipped mods to mod folder…
With all that said, I’ve wanted to make a FS map of the area for years but had no idea how. When the editor dropped in November I had to learn as much as I could and at least build something playable for myself and son. the map covers 100sqKM and scaled down to 16sqKM to make it accurate but very playable… 3 months and 500 hours later, I’m pretty happy with the results although only 90% done and plenty of mistakes, I’m releasing it as a beta to allow folks to test and get ideas on how to make it better.
Map was built with the idea of making it as accurate to the area as possible(i am constantly getting Deja vu driving through the map, working the fields or looking across the landscape.), and also make it a very playable 4km map and have the freedom to do what ever floats your boat. The map is split into 3 parts mixed throughout the map. equal parts farming, logging and if all goes well in the distant future fishing! 100s of acres of undeveloped land to build whatever you wish.
My intentions are to release this on Giants Mod Hub eventually, but spring and real life obligations are coming fast and finding time to get it finished and up to Giants standards is going to be tough. So here it is as an early release version. i plan to release patches as needed and a major update later this summer. enjoy as single player or come find us on our dedicated server.
-still lots to do to get the map to my standards but fully playable with 0 errors
– 5 fully functional farms
– multiple sell points, gas stations, shop and animal dealer
– 72 fields from 2 to 45 acres for all size farms
– 12 floodable “duck impoundments” for rice, corn, and sorghum
– 29000 trees 30000 max trees…several 1000 acres of pine plantations and hardwoods to get deep into logging
– lots of water to keep it 100 percent accurate and hopefully fish as a new crop type and commercial fishing as a new way of making money
– no large scale animal husbandries or productions are found here irl. so for accuracy sake I did not add any to the map, but plenty of room to create whatever you like all buildings on all farms are sellable for a completely custom farm to suit your needs
– as of now several mods are needed for farm sheds and buildings. All error free and available on the official mod hub. No vehicle or implement mods are needed
-added a temporary shelter pack with all the mods necessary…
-unzip shelter pack and move individual zipped mods to mod folder…
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Taille totale: 182.41 MB FS25_BeulahlandFarms_fs25planet.zip direct télécharger · 182.41 MB · ajouté il y a 14 heures
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