Default Types Addon
This small addon changes the way filler types and fruits are loaded in the game. By default, the game first loads XML files from the installation folder and then map-specific information. This addon allows map creators to make map customizations basic by completely ignoring the game's default files. This gives more flexibility and control when customizing map types and eliminates problems that can arise when adding to existing entries.
Overriding standard types using XML map files.
Flexibility when customizing fruit and filler types on your map.
Solve problems with duplicate registrations of fruit/filler types when changing standard values.
Easy activation: just copy the desired XML file to your map folder and use the thDefaultTypes key in your map.xml file.
Included examples in the SDK folder of the mod for convenience.
Important: When you override the default XML files in your map, make sure you copy and edit the complete XML file. Missing items will result in them not being loaded, as the default configuration will be ignored.
Overriding standard types using XML map files.
Flexibility when customizing fruit and filler types on your map.
Solve problems with duplicate registrations of fruit/filler types when changing standard values.
Easy activation: just copy the desired XML file to your map folder and use the thDefaultTypes key in your map.xml file.
Included examples in the SDK folder of the mod for convenience.
Important: When you override the default XML files in your map, make sure you copy and edit the complete XML file. Missing items will result in them not being loaded, as the default configuration will be ignored.
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